Edge Of Sanity - Elegy-Chapter 1 / 2CD


Elegy-Chapter 1 / 2CD




Titul 2CD / Elegy-Chapter 1 / 2CD se zatím neprodává
Předběžné datum vydání: 28.02.2025   

389,00 Kč

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CD1: Demos - Remaster 2024
1. The Return to Consciousness - Intro (Euthanasia Remaster 2024) 
2. Human Aberration (Euthanasia Remaster 2024) 
3. Pernicious Anguish (Euthanasia Remaster 2024) 
4. Incipience to the Butchery (Euthanasia Remaster 2024) 
5. Disrupting the Inhabitants (Euthanasia Remaster 2024) 
6. Decepted by the Cross (Immortal Rehearsals Remaster 2024) 
7. The Day of Maturity (Immortal Rehearsals Remaster 2024)
8. Beyond the Unknown (Immortal Rehearsals Remaster 2024) 
9. Immortal Souls (Immortal Rehearsals Remaster 2024) 
10. Decepted by the Cross (kur-nu-gi-a Remaster 2024) 
11. Maze of Existence (kur-nu-gi-a Remaster 2024) 
12. Beyond the Unknown (kur-nu-gi-a Remaster 2024) 
13. The Day of Maturity (kur-nu-gi-a Remaster 2024) 
14. Immortal Souls (kur-nu-gi-a Remaster 2024) 
15. Serenade for the Dead - Outro (kur-nu-gi-a Remaster 2024) 
16. The Dead (The Dead Remaster 2024) 
17. Angel of Distress (The Dead Remaster 2024) 
18. Impulsive Necroplasma (The Dead Remaster 2024)
19. The Gathering - Intro (Dead But Dreaming Remaster 2024) 
20. A Curfew for the Damned (Dead But Dreaming Remaster 2024) 
21. Everlasting (Dead But Dreaming Remaster 2024) 
22. When All is Said (Dead But Dreaming Remaster 2024) 
23. The Departure - Outro (Dead But Dreaming Remaster 2024) 

CD2: Demos - Remix 2024 
1. Human Aberration (Euthanasia Remix 2024) 
2. Pernicious Anguish (Euthanasia Remix 2024) 
3. Incipience to the Butchery (Euthanasia Remix 2024) 
4. Disrupting the Inhabitants (Euthanasia Remix 2024) 
5. Decepted by the Cross (kur-nu-gi-a Remix 2024) 
6. Maze of Existence (kur-nu-gi-a Remix 2024) 
7. Beyond the Unknown (kur-nu-gi-a Remix 2024) 
8. The Day of Maturity (kur-nu-gi-a Remix 2024) 
9. Immortal Souls (kur-nu-gi-a Remix 2024) 
10. Serenade for the Dead (kur-nu-gi-a Remix 2024) 
11. The Dead (The Dead Remix 2024) 
12. Angel of Distress (The Dead Remix 2024) 
13. Impulsive Necroplasma (The Dead Remix 2024)

Rok vydání: 2024
Rok vydání reedice: 2025


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